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Hi everybody! Lizzie here, just thought I would tell you a little about myself, my family and my philosophy.

    I worked for Kazzy for 23 years now, and I have enjoyed every moment (honest!). The best thing about my work at Bellas is meeting all of our wonderful customers, some of whom have become dear friends. I really do appreciate everyone's support and kindness over the years.

    I will start with a little bit about my family. Stevie and I have been married for 33 years and we have two beautiful children - Shane who is 25 years old and and is 6ft 2 inches tall, blond hair and blue eyes, really good looking - obviously taking after his Mum! He fits air duct systems for a living. Steffie is 20 years old dark brown hair hazel eyes, and has the beauty of an angel. Taking after Mum once again! She works for Plymouth City Council and is really carving out a career for herself. Steve and I are so proud of them. As our children were growing up we made as much time as we could as a family. Both of them could swim before they could walk! We love spending time on the beach, surfing, and watching the sun go down. These are truly fantastic memories and even though we dont spend as much time together in Cornwall as we used to - Stevie and I still like to watch the sunset together - with a large glass of beer I may add!

    We are owned by a cat called Molly and had an English Bull Terrier called Brodie. Brodie .was 13 years old, an amazing age for a Bullie. Goodness me she was so loved! For those who dont know her she was all white with a black flash over one eye and a tiny black tip on one ear. Brodie was my third baby and came to work with me. I feel very privileged having had her as part of my life, she too loved the beach. She played in the sand and water.Then we have a great time in the Pub afterwards! The English Bull Terrier breed is second to none and I would never consider owning any other breed. We have always had cats and I must mention Bob Marley, Kiss,Simba, Elsa, Evie, Penny and Poppy who gave me so much joy over the years.

    OK that's enough about me and my family, I would like to talk about my work at Bellas. It is worth mentioning here that I can empty anal glands usually on a Monday and Wednesday, no appointment necessary. Over the last 17years we have amassed a great deal of knowledge and experience. We research most of the foods we stock and have feel we have a great understanding about nutrition. We like to work with holistic, ethical and good quality foods. It is fascinating when you delve into the specific analysis of dog and cat food. The correct balance of proteins, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. We have made it our business to help our customers with dietary problems such as behavioral difficulties, itchy skin, loose stools and colitis. We have found over the years a combination of natural remedies and a good quality diet solve many problems. Obviously we always recommend veterinary advice may need to be sought.  Brodie began to show signs of colitis I gave her a natural product - Dorwest Herbs make a product called Tree Bark Powder mixed with live natural yogurt, this is very effective for malabsorbtion problems. The Tree Barks powder lines the stomach and the live yogurt replaces and/or increases friendly bacteria. We feel It is so important to put your pet onto a good quality and easily digestible pet food as soon as possible. Having kittens and puppies is such an exciting time and in time you will have a treasured companion who deserves the best! Finally, a lot of behavioral problems can be caused by colours and additives in pet food, but our philosophy is if the dog is well and happy and healthy a change in diet is not necessary, but may be desirable from a long term nutritional point of view. Supermarket foods are convenient, yes, but not necessarily the best food for your dog.

    All that remains for me to say is a big thank you for taking the time to read this. We sincerely hope all you guys out there who love their pets the way we do have a great life together. Remember we are only a phone call away! God Bless, Lizzie.


Liz retired on 28th June 2023 and is making her dreams come true by living by the sea in Cornwall.  I miss her every day but so proud she followed her star x



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Copyright © 2001 Bella's Pet and Garden Supplies
Last modified: July 18, 2021